Projects dashboard

Let’s start by creating a new project in Stack AI dashboard. Click on the “New Project” button in the top right corner of the dashboard.

Projects dashboard

Templates view

Then, you will see a modal with a long list of templates. For example, you can choose the “Chat with Knowledge Base” template to build an application where your users can chat with the documents you upload (PDFs, word documents, etc).

Templates list view

You can search by specific application you would like to integrate with a Large Language Model, or you can choose the ‘New Project’ template to start from scratch. You will also find a list of typical use cases on the left side of the modal.

Builder view

Once you create a project, you will see an interface with 3 main components:

Builder view
  • Canvas: the main component of the Stack AI tool, a 2D canvas where you can drag and drop nodes and connect them to build your workflow.
  • Sidebar: a large variety of funcionality blocks, also called nodes, are available at the left hand side. These nodes represent the components in the flow where data is received, processed, and returned from different services.
  • Control bar: a set of commands at the top right hand side with buttons to ‘Save’ (save the current version), ‘Run’ (execute the workflow as it is in the canvas), ‘Share’ (share the current version with another Stack AI user), and ‘Publish’ (make your workflow available externally).

Other important views

Export view

By clicking the ‘Export’ button in the top left side bar, you will see a view with different options to export your workflow.

We offer pre-built interfaces for your AI chatbots that can be easily customized to match your brand’s look and feel.

You can choose from a ChatGPT-style interface, a website chatbot, a voice interface, or deploy your chatbot via Slack, WhatsApp, or SMS. We offer the option to use Stack AI as a backend process, leveraging our APIs to send inputs, receive results, and build your own custom UI.

You will find different customization options in the Export tab (name, logo, colors, etc.). Configure a custom domain if required and protect your chatbot with SSO or password.

An URL is generated for you to share with your colleagues.

IMPORTANT: whenever you make changes to your project in the Builder view, always remember to click the Publish button. This will update the assistant’s user interface.

Analytics view

Logs view

Clicking on the ‘Analytics’ button in the top left sidebar will display a summary of your workflow usage.

This page features four graphs that provide an overview of workflow utilization, along with a complete list of execution logs. The logs include valuable information such as the execution status, runtime, tokens consumed, and the workflow’s inputs and outputs. Additionally, you can filter the analytics by date using the selector in the top left corner.

Manager view

Chat manager view

Clicking the ‘Manager’ button in the top left sidebar will take you to a view with all user conversations with your workflow. To download all conversations, click the “Download” button. To clear the conversation history, click “Delete”.